Programmable ultrasonic sensors
The specialist for ultrasonic sensors SNT Sensortechnik AG introduces an all new sensor generation. The ultrasonic sensors of UPR-A series in M18 size are characterized by a wide range of max. 1.5m. Furthermore they are configurable by the user. Hence the variety is reduced drastically. Thanks to three different sized detection lobes, the sensor can be adapted locally to the application.
The sensor is available as a pure proximity switch as well as a distance sensor with analog output. Suitable applications include object detection as well as distance and level measurement. The switching and analogue outputs can be teached by the user (rising/falling or NC/NO or window). The binary type is also programmable as a reflective barrier. This is useful when badly to detect objects stay in front of a background. The analogue sensor automatically detects the connected load, and exits accordingly mA or V. Programming is done using a single teach input. Optionally a teach-in box is available. Thanks to the new transducer sealing made of VitonĀ® the UPR-A sensors are very robust against many environmental influences. In particular, they are oil resistant, unlike many other ultrasonic sensors.
Thus this new sensor combines all the latest features in one product. SNT Sensortechnik AG is a specialist in ultrasonic sensors for more than 20 years.