Safety laser scanners PSENscan from Pilz now with ROS package for dynamic navigation in production logistics - Simple, more dynamic navigation!
The safety laser scanner PSENscan from Pilz now goes beyond safe, productive monitoring of stationary or mobile danger zones, offering new possibilities for the production logistics sector. Availability of the ROS (Robot Operating System) packages from the Open Source Framework ROS means that the safety laser scanner can also be used for dynamic navigation of automated guided vehicles (AGV) – using SLAM for example (Simultaneous Localisation and Mapping). Users benefit from a more dynamic and therefore safe implementation of mobile applications in production environments.
The safety laser scanner provides the data necessary for navigation. The map of the environment generated in this way is the basis on which the AGV is able to avoid obstacles.
Applications are more flexible
Simple data exchange via standard ROS messages (LaserScan) enable additional mobile applications to be implemented in the robotics sector, above and beyond AGVs. Thanks to the standardised interfaces and series connection of PSENscan, multiple safety laser scanners can easily be integrated into an existing ROS environment. AGV applications with PSENscan are also flexible and adaptable. Customers benefit from individually adaptable, customised solutions.
Increasing the mobility of the digital factory via ROS
Productive, safe area monitoring with PSENscan and the new ROS package meets current standards, including all the industrial requirements of the ROS Industrial Consortium. The ROS packages available from Pilz can be installed directly from the Open Source Framework, which simplifies integration. Pilz developed the software features in-house, which guarantees that they are available to the user quickly. Like all Pilz ROS packages, the ROS package is available as Open Source Code (LGPL) or via the Open Source Hoster GitHub (online service for managing open source software).