UPK ultrasonic sensors are the most compact for long distances
Ultrasonic sensors for industrial applications are able to detect objects, but they can also measure the exact distance. Since they determine the time of flight of sound, they have a 100% background suppression and they measure independent of material, surface, color or size of the target. SNT Sensortechnik AG builds ultrasonic sensors for very different distances. It starts at 20mm and ends at above 5000mm. The detection by the ultrasound method is particularly a challenge at long distances, since only smallest echoes are reflected from far targets. Nevertheless, the sensors of the UPK series are able, for example, to detect a wire with only 0.6mm diameter at 1m distance. At the same time they are the most compact for long distances. They are 3 times shorter and have 50% less overall volume than comparable conventional sensors.