RF627 2D Laser Scanners Upgrade
10 July 2019
RIFTEK: First, we would like to inform that we discontinue production of outdated RF625 Series scanners and we no longer accept orders for them.
- we expanded the line of RF627 scanners and now you can find devices with ranges up to 1000 mm (eleven new models)
- we have greatly improved the scanner firmware and added many new features, namely:
- very important functions that increase scanner dynamic range. Now it is possible to obtain stable scanning when surface contain both high reflection and low reflection regions;
- programmable median and bilateral smoothing filtration of points on the profile;
- suppression of multiple reflection light image (these reflections may appear when scanning shiny objects with complex shape)
- transfer profile points intensity values together with coordinate data (gray scale image of scanned object)
- data collection and 2D and 3D model creation directly inside the device.
Upgrade your RF627 scanners remotely and feel the difference!
All the information, updated manual including you can find on our site.
In addition, some words about our coming news about scanners .
- We finished tests of High Speed scanner and got 4000 Hz rate for full range and >30000 Hz for ROI. Start of production - September
- In August we will present RF627Smart scanner with embedded measurement functions.
We shall be happy to get your feedback and suggestions concerning our new solutions and the plans.