Temposonics® R-Series V now with POWERLINK
15 January 2020
MTS Sensors: Following the successful market introduction of the Temposonics® R-Series V PROFINET, EtherNet/IP™ and SSI, MTS Sensors is glad to announce the addition of the POWERLINK output for the new generation.
R-Series V POWERLINK advantages:
- Enhanced performance and reliability for your application due to increased temperature, shock and vibration resistance
- Improved productivity of your system due to resolution up to 0.5 µm and multiposition measurement with up to 30 magnets
- Measurement synchronous to the master clock for supporting complex processes
More features:
- Available in profile style and rod style
- Developed for increased service and diagnostics for your application
- Additional sensor information direct via POWERLINK protocol or TempoLink Smart Assistant
Possible deployment areas:
- Factory automation, fluid power, woodworking, metalworking, machine tools, and many more