The SENSation for radiometric Measurement Systems
On the 60th anniversary of the company, Berthold Technologies is launching the new detector generation SENSeries to the market and is setting new standards in the radiometric process control. The SENS-Detectors stand out by their unique and extreme high sensitivity to gamma radiation. New measurement accuracies can be achieved, well above those possible with radiometric systems to date. The extremely high sensitivity also means that existing sources can be used for a longer period. Instead of an expensive source exchange, the life of the existing sources can be extended by many years, or even decades, by using a new SENS-detector. Moreover, in new projects the high sensitivity results in a considerably high reduction of source activity. Depending on the application, the source activity can be reduced by up to 80%, to some extend even under the applicable activity underlying authorisation obligation. These characteristics are guaranteed by a patented process throughout the complete field of application and the total service-life.
The SENSseries offers a suitable detector solution for each and every application. For the radiometric detection of density, concentration or level switch, the CrystalSENS detector can be used. In addition, rod detectors UniSENS and – for especially large measuring ranges - TowerSENS are available for continuous level measurements too. The SuperSENS, which can be applied as an alternative for level, level switch, and density, offers exceptionally high sensitivity.
SENS-Detectors can be operated either with HART, Profibus or Fieldbus Foundation. The data transfer is also possible by means of a 4-20mA current output. In this case, a separate evaluation unit is available. The systems are available in all current explosion protection classes.