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Colibrys releases a new generation of inertial sensors ...

Colibrys: This new generation of products comes in a LCC20 (8.9mm x 8.9mm) ceramic package, some three times smaller than current sensors and in a variety of g ranges from ±2g to ±250g. These sensors can operate over extended temperature ranges...


Improved ease-of-use for AHRS/GPS from Xsens

Xsens Technologies, supplier of the widely used MTi-range of inertial motion trackers, has released new software to further improve user experience. The innovative software and firmware contains predefined settings for optimized orientation output...

Miniature MEMS High Amplitude 20,000 g Shock Accelerometers for Aerospace & Defense and Extreme Test & Measurement Applications

Miniature MEMS High Amplitude 20,000 g Shock Accelerometers

PCB Piezotronics, Inc.: The Aerospace & Defense division of PCB Piezotronics (PCB®) has announced the launch of Series 3991 & 3993, a family of MEMS-based, miniature high...

Miniature AHRS with integrated GPS

Miniature AHRS with integrated GPS

Xsens: The MTi-G is an integrated GPS and MEMS Inertial Measurement Unit. It contains an internal ultra low-power AHRS processor running a real-time Xsens Kalman filter. The compact sensor provides accurate horizontal and vertical position,...

High Sensitivity, Triaxial DC Response Accelerometer

High Sensitivity, Triaxial DC Response Accelerometer

PCB Piezotronics, Inc.: The Vibration division of PCB Piezotronics (PCB®) has announced new Series 3713, a high sensitivity, MEMS DC (steady state) response accelerometer, capable...

High Sensitivity, DC Response Accelerometer for Automotive and Off-Highway Testing

High Sensitivity, DC Response Accelerometer for ...

PCB Piezotronics, Inc.: The Vibration division of PCB Piezotronics (PCB®) has announced new Model 3711, a high sensitivity, MEMS DC (steady state) response...

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