Leuze electronic: At the very top of Leuze's list of priorities during the coronavirus pandemic are creativity and innovative strength: Leuze is pro-actively, consistently, and assertively calling for a "green line" for the recovery of the economy. The...
Leuze electronic: From March 14 to 16 Leuze electronic is appearing at LogiMAT 2017, the international trade show for distribution, material and information flow in Stuttgart as the leading manufacturer for optical sensors as well as an...
Leuze electronic and Microsoft have started a collaboration whose initial results are being jointly presented at the SPS/IPC/Drives 2016 exhibition in Nuremberg: the Industry 4.0 capable Smart Sensor business solution is based on the compact,...
Leuze electronic, one of the world's leading innovators in the field of optical sensors, has assessed the current market situation as being excellent. "The order situation is very good. And this is in spite of the fact that we already achieved...
Leuze electronic provides one of the two new board members for the Packaging Excellence Center: Andreas Eberle, Key Account Food & Beverage. World market leaders from packaging machine manufacturing, suppliers, universities and other public...
Leuze electronic: Whether it's specialist lectures at VDMA, VDI symposia or VHS Business theme days: in September alone, Leuze electronic contributes to talks for three different series of events which address digital value creation and innovative...
Leuze electronic: At the Motek trade fair, Leuze electronic demonstrates the diversity of its sensor solutions for production and assembly automation. Using a system diagram, numerous application requirements as well as their solutions are...
Leuze electronic will be presenting the diversity of its sensor solutions for electric automation at SPS/IPC/Drives. To present the Smart Sensor Business to the user as realistically as possible, the products and solutions will be shown as they...
Leuze electronic will show its competence in the area of AGV navigation at the "Mobile Robotics" expert forum organized by trade journal Automationspraxis of the Konradin publishing house. This will be held on June 27 at STÄUBLI TEC-SYSTEMS ROBOTICS in...
Leuze electronic: At the 28th German Material Flow Conference (Deutscher Materialfluss-Kongress) in the Department of Mechanical Engineering of the Technical University of Munich in Garching, Leuze electronic will be showing how intelligent compartment fine...
Leuze electronic recognizes the mav Innovations FORUM as an important platform for the metalworking industry that combines the strengths of a conference with those of a trade fair. In 2019, Leuze electronic will, for this reason, once again be present at...
Leuze electronic considers OPC UA to be a key enabler in data communication for Industry 4.0 and is therefore to become a full member of the OPC Foundation. Unlike the conventional fieldbus interface, an Industry 4.0-capable interface together...
Leuze electronic: The construction project starts in May with a foundation stone ceremony. On May 21, 2012, Owen mayor Verena Grötzinger, Stefan Leuze, representing the shareholder family, and Managing Director Dr. Harald Grübel together laid...
Leuze electronic: Since its market launch in 2005, the 46B series generation of sensors has set new standards in optical sensors. With the 46C series, its successor – a further development of the 46B series – is ready to go. The one...
Leuze electronic: The new office of Leuze electronic opened in Shenzen, China in mid-October 2018. After twelve years of increasing revenues and a growing workforce, a larger and more modern office was needed to accommodate the expected growth of the next...
Leuze electronic, the sensor people, announced it has joined Microsoft Azure Certified for Internet of Things (IoT), ensuring customers get IoT solutions up and running quickly with hardware and software that has been pre-tested and verified to...
Leuze electronic: In addition to versatile safety products and integrated system solutions for safety at work, Leuze electronic offers numerous workshops on the subject of safety at work, highlighting its expertise in this area. Leuze electronic...
Leuze electronic: At the LogiMAT 2019, the sensor specialist Leuze electronic presented its industry-specific knowledge in intralogistics and its expertise in Safety@work. Over 55 years of experience in this particular industrial field have made the sensor...
Leuze electronic: At this year's trade fair for electrical automation in Nuremberg, Leuze electronic proved its promise to customers: Smart Sensor Business 4.0 – EASY, EXPERIENCE, PROXIMITY, FUTURE. These were the core statements. Visitors...
Leuze electronic is expanding its presence on the African continent through the collaboration with TEPM. TEPM will serve as a distributor for Leuze electronic and will carry the entire Leuze electronic product and service portfolio. The...
Leuze electronic supported the international initiative "End Polio Now" of the organization Deckel drauf e.V. ["caps on"] for one year. The sensor people thereby actively contributed to the fight against the highly contagious, incurable disease of polio,...
Leuze electronic: Protect people, ensure smooth-running processes. The Sensor People demonstrated to trade show visitors in Nuremberg that everything they do is driven to provide safety for people and machinery paired with the aim of making the customers'...
Leuze electronic: On August 15, 2016, Leuze electronic was included in the world market leader index (WMF index) of the University of St. Gallen as the champion in the field of optical sensors. To qualify for the champions category, a company must...
Leuze electronic: the new MSI 400 safety controls have a compact design and have been specially designed for use on eccentric and hydraulic presses. They fulfill requirements in accordance with the EN 692 standard for mechanical presses and the EN...
Leuze electronic: With the new ODS 110/HT 110 and HRT 25B L distance sensors, Leuze electronic is expanding its series of distance sensors and offers its customers a large selection of different designs with long operating ranges and several...
Leuze electronic: The "Smart Process Gating" muting process, which completely forgoes the need for signal-emitting sensors and is based on the MLC safety light curtains from Leuze electronic, was selected as TOP 3 finalist for the next GIT...
Leuze electronic has presented itself as the leading manufacturer for optical sensors and experienced, innovative complete solution provider for intralogistics, and not just at Logimat 2017: Leuze electronic has proven its application know-how...
Leuze electronic presents itself as the leading manufacturer for optical sensors and experienced, innovative complete solution provider for the packaging industry, and not just at Interpack 2017: Leuze electronic has proven its application...
Leuze electronic: In 2016, Leuze electronic was included in the world market leader index (WMF index) for the first time, as the champion in the field of optical sensors. Leuze electronic was also awarded the "World market leader champion 2017"...
Leuze electronic: The designation “world market leader” is objectively awarded by the Henri B. Meier School of Entrepreneurs of the University of St. Gallen and the Academy of German World Market Leaders (ADWM) across all industries to globally...